
泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Let's take a look at Korea's gaming industry (Part 2)

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Let's take a look at Korea's gaming industry (Part 2)   I'd like to talk about South Korea's gaming industry more specifically.   The composite leading indicator (CLI) is a business barometer showing short-term economic movements. The best example of the CLIs is a stock index. It means that the stock market index reflects business forecasting. If buyers expect high earnings, stocks will rise, and the opposite can also happen. The representative CLI for venture capital (VC), which deals with unlisted stocks of startup companies or small businesses, is the scale and the number of cases of investment in the industry.   According to data from the Korean Venture Capital Association, investment in the gaming industry has been declined year by year for the past three years from ₩ 176.2 billion in 2014 to ₩ 168.3 billion in 2015 and ₩ 142.7 billion last ye

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Let's take a look at Korea's gaming industry (Part 1)

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Let's take a look at Korea's gaming industry (Part 1)   Lawmakers, government officials, and civilian experts gathered in the National Assembly recently to discuss the video gaming industry policy of the next administration. The purpose of the discussion was to aware of the current problem of the gaming industry policy and to set a new direction for Moon administration. In the policy debate, many experts including Kim Byeong-Kwan, developer and entrepreneur-turned-member of the National Assembly, Hwang Seong-Ik, the president of Korea Mobile Game Association, and Lee Jae-hong, the president of Korea Game Society, etc. exchanged opinions about regulatory reforms and necessity of the institution dedicated to the industry. As a person engaged in the game-related field, I'd like to talk about this subject.   Many people say that the domestic gaming industry has bee

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] A publisher can't have it both ways

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   A publisher can't have it both ways   Recently, the news that Ban Ki-moon announced that he would not run for the presidential election is the talk of the town. Sometimes we define ourselves by the expectations of the others. So many people around us make the wrong decision since they think too highly of themselves or don't have an accurate picture of their abilities, for example, an unsuccessful athlete-turned-entertainer or a failed entertainer-turned-entrepreneur. So in that sense, I support the former UN Secretary-General's position. The diplomatic expert probably doesn't have all the necessary qualities for a politician and it doesn't seem to fit for him to take part in local politics due to his lack of understanding of the domestic situation. I think it's comparable with legendary basketball icon Michael Jordan who tried to be a professional basebal