
泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] The fourth industrial revolution and the gaming industry (Part1)

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] The fourth industrial revolution and the gaming industry (Part1) April. 12. 2018.  The inaugural Gyeonggi Global Game Forum, which was supervised by Gyeonggi Content Agency, was held recently under the theme "Past, Present, and future of South Korea's Gaming Industry". I delivered a keynote address in the forum. Thanks to this column series that I have written for about five years, I assume that I played an important role as the opening keynote speaker. Taking this opportunity, I'd like to convey my sincere appreciation to The Kyunghyang Games.  In my introductory statement, I needed to elaborate on past and current situations of the gaming sector and prospects for the industry in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. I kept talking about the past and present of the gaming industry through previous columns and I dealt with the future of the sector cou

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Golden boy and availability bias

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Golden boy and availability bias March. 29. 2018. As I mentioned many times, I meet various chief executive officers because of my job. Leadership positions must weigh heavily on everybody. A boss of a firm needs to set a direction for the future of the corporation, make decisions, and pay employees' salaries every month. Envying the head's authority, staff members don't consider the leader's authority. Compare to the power which is easily seen, workers cannot feel responsible for something until they experience it. Even if there are no big consequences, I cannot help respecting countless representatives who have run a business for several years. Because I went out of business long ago.   On the other hand, a great number of leaders tend to make the wrong decision. It's a natural behavior of risk avoidance because they don't want to take upon themselves for anything. The availabil

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Airbnb and Lezhin Comics

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Airbnb and Lezhin Comics   March. 15. 2018. I visit lots of startups because of my line of work. As the name suggests, start-up companies face myriad problems until they reach the goal. The matters may include a corporate member, an investor, a product, or a customer. The success or failure of a small business is heavily dependent on how it deals with the difficulties that all start-ups have without exception.   It's an unsavory incident of an on-demand food delivery service company which is now very famous for its platform in South Korea. A restaurant owner blackmailed an app-ordered customer by using the personal data that the user registered. Consumers have no choice but to disclose their contact-details including a telephone number and address to access the service. The fact that they can be intimidated by someone makes app users reluctant to order food on the platform. The company t

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Hero Maker and 10,000-Hour Rule

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Hero Maker and 10,000-Hour Rule March. 01. 2018.   There is a Hero Maker, one of many webtoons — an animated cartoon or series of comic strips published online — on a South Korean online platform Naver. It has been serialized for 12 years since it began in November 2006. Hero Maker is the longest carrying webtoons on the platform after The Sound of Your Heart, Naver Webtoon's most famous work, which was first uploaded in September the same year. And I've never missed to read it from its first episode. Working on something for a long time is not only very difficult but meaningful.   Recently, many top-rated new games are found on the domestic game charts. For example, there is Lineage M: it may not fall into this category, Overhit, Tera M, and AxE: they had just come out, and Black Desert Mobile: it was released this year. The big-budget RPG games, which were released amid high ex

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Minimum wage & divide and rule

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Minimum wage & divide and rule February. 12. 2018. The minimum wage has been in the news a lot since the beginning of the year. Following the news articles, fewer people now have jobs, self-employed persons have suffered a considerable loss, and the foundation of smaller enterprises — that accounts for over 90% of employment in the market — is giving way due to the minimum wage increases. And they also say that convenience stores will continue to shut down and many people will lose their part-time jobs.   Frankly speaking, I just want to throw the mouse on my computer monitor while I'm reading those ridiculous articles which make me blow my top. In the case of South Korea, the average salary of regular workers is based on 22 days a month. Supposing that an employee works 9 hours a day, the numbers add up to 198 hours a month. The worker would receive 1,490,940 won a month based on

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Video game, copyright, bitcoin, and law

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Video game, copyright, bitcoin, and law February. 01. 2018.   I read an interesting article yesterday. To sum up, Suwon District Court has overturned the original trial on the second appeal to seize bitcoin of a pornographic site owner, identified by his surname An, because the court regarded the cryptocurrency as the criminal proceeds. The ruling of the appellate trial holds significant meaning as bitcoin is included in criminal proceeds as a legally recognizable asset reversing the lower court's decision that the cryptocurrency should be exempted from confiscation because it is a non-physical object.   I want to leave various political debates and investment or speculation out of the topic here. I don't like to deal with the cryptocurrency powered by blockchain technology because I'm not a technocrat; notably, what does this technology mean in the

泥中蟠龍's Game愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity] Byulbram and Pearl Abyss

泥中蟠龍 's Game 愛歌 [A love song for games of the dragon waiting for an opportunity]   Byulbram and Pearl Abyss January. 11. 2018.   Kim Gwangsam, a professor of Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, who is better known as his nickname "Byulbram", has recently joined Pearl Abyss, the nation's famous video game developer, which is well known for the hit MMORPG Black Desert. The news was very impressive for me because Byulbram is one of my favorite acquaintances and Black Desert is the video game that, unfortunately, I couldn't invest in due to complicated circumstances. I talk about Byulbram and Pearl Abyss today.   Professor Kim is well known for a one-person developer who is responsible for all things related to game development including video game designer, programmer, graphic designer, and composer, etc. Byulbram attempted many experimental things as a single developer or a small number of a development team creating Geunyeo-u